| Enumeration | Description |
 | Barcode1DReaderScanMode | Defines the best scan mode (speed or quality) when reading 1D barcodes. |
 | Barcode1DReaderType | All supported 1D (one-dimensional or linear) barcode types used for reading. |
 | Barcode1DWriterType | All supported 1D (one-dimensional or linear) barcode types used for writing. |
 | BarcodeAlign | Specifies the alignment of the barcode within its bounding box when the barcode is drawn. |
 | BarcodeAztecCodeVersion | Defines the version (code size) of the Aztec Code symbol. |
 | BarcodeAztecReaderScanMode | Defines the best scan mode (speed or quality) when reading Aztec barcodes. |
 | BarcodeDataMatrixEncodingMode | Defines the encoding mode for DataMatrix barcode.
You can find more information here. |
 | BarcodeDataMatrixReaderScanMode | Defines the best scan mode (speed or quality) when reading DataMatrix barcodes. |
 | BarcodeDataMatrixVersion | Defines the version (code size) of the DataMatrix symbol. |
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeEncodingMode | Defines the encoding mode for MaxiCode.
 | BarcodeMaxiCodeReaderScanMode | Defines the best scan mode (speed or quality) when reading MaxiCodes. |
 | BarcodeMicroQRErrorCorrectionLevel | Specifies the Micro QR-Code error correction. The higher the error correction level, the less storage capacity. |
 | BarcodePDF417EncodingMode | Defines the encoding mode for PDF 417 barcode.
You can find more information here. |
 | BarcodePDF417ErrorCorrectionLevel | Specifies the Reed Solomon error correction level. The higher the error correction level, the less storage capacity. |
 | BarcodePDF417ReaderScanMode | Defines the best scan mode (speed or quality) when reading PDF417 barcodes. |
 | BarcodeQREncodingMode | Defines the encoding mode for QR barcode.
You can find more information here. |
 | BarcodeQRErrorCorrectionLevel | Specifies the QR-Code error correction. The higher the error correction level, the less storage capacity. |
 | BarcodeQRReaderScanMode | Defines the best scan mode (speed or quality) when reading QR-Codes. |
 | BitonalReduction | Specifies the algorithm to be used to perform black and white effect on images. |
 | BlobRemoveMode | Defines the mode (speed or quality) when removing ink blobs. |
 | BrowserLoadEvent |
Browser's events fired at page loading time accordingly to the Chrome DevTools Protocol.
 | ColorDropoutFilter | Specifies the color to be removed/filtered from the image. |
 | ColorKey | Defines the color to be removed (or set as transparent) from the background of the GdPictureImage object. |
 | DataType |
Specifies known data type of a text content.
 | DespeckleType | Specifies advanced despeckle types. |
 | DisplayQuality | Specifies the level of displaying quality according to the algorithm used when images are scaled or rotated. |
 | DocumentFormat | Defines the format of the currently processed/used document. |
 | DocumentType | The type of the document currently used. |
 | Duplex | |
 | EmulationMedia |
Emulates the given media type or media feature for CSS media queries.
 | ExrCompression | Specifies different compression settings when saving a GdPicture image in high dynamic-range image. |
 | FontCharSet | Character sets used by fonts. |
 | FontStyle | |
 | ForegroundMixMode | Specifies the foreground mix mode to use when combining the region and the displayed image. |
 | FormFieldType |
Specifies the type of a form field.
 | GdPictureOutputIntent | Defines the intent (color detection) of the GdPicture image. |
 | GdPictureRotateFlipType | |
 | GdPictureStatus | |
 | HolePunchMargins | Specifies the margin of the image when removing punch holes. |
 | HtmlLayoutType | |
 | IconSize | The size of a resulting icon when saving images in the ICO format. |
 | ImageColorSpace | Defines the color space used by a GdPicture image. |
 | ImagingContext | Specifies the image context, i.e. the layout type of the data, you want to process using GdPicture image. |
 | InterpolationMode | |
 | IPTCTags | IPTC tags, also known as document's metadata, allows for additional information to be stored within a document. |
 | JPEGSubsamplingMode |
Specifies which chroma subsampling mode will be used for image compression in JPEG images.
 | JPEGTransformation |
Specifies a kind of lossy JPEG transformation.
 | LineRemoveOrientation | Specifies the orientation of lines to be removed from the GdPicture image. |
 | MICRContext | Specifies the MICR context, i.e. the layout type of the data, you want to recognize using the MICR. |
 | MICRFont | Specifies the two major MICR fonts in use. |
 | MouseButton | Enumerates the mouse buttons. |
 | MRZFormat | |
 | OCRBlockOrientation | Specifies the orientation of the block within a result when using the OCR. |
 | OCRBlockSpecialFormat | |
 | OCRBlockType | Specifies the type of the block within the OCR result. |
 | OCRContext | Specifies the OCR context, i.e. the layout type of the data, you want to process using the OCR. |
 | OCRLanguage | Specifies the known languages to be used during OCR processes. |
 | OCRMode | Specifies whether to favor speed or recognition accuracy using the OCR. |
 | OCROutputTextFormat | Specifies the format of the output text file when saving the OCR results. |
 | OCRParagraphJustification | Specifies a paragraph justification. |
 | OCRSpecialContext |
A special context allows triggering a specific layout analysis and OCR engines in order to maximize accuracy and speed on the detection of specific items.
Special context can be added on demand to our team of researchers, feel free to contact us!
 | OCRStrategy |
Specifies OCR strategy
 | OCRWritingDirection | Specifies the writing direction of the block within a result when using the OCR. |
 | OMRMode | Defines the OMR mode (speed or quality). |
 | Operators | Specifies used operators when combining images. |
 | OrientationMode |
Specifies the orientation mode for a given content type.
 | PageCacheMode | Defines the cache mode for the page. |
 | PageDisplayMode | Defines how the pages are displayed on the screen. |
 | PaletteType | The type of the color palette used by a GdPicture image. |
 | PatchCodeType | Defines the type of a Patch Code. |
 | PdfActionLaunchOperation | Specifies the operation to perform for a launch action. It is Windows-specific setting. |
 | PdfActionNamed | Named actions, that PDF viewer applications are expected to support. |
 | PdfActionType | The standard action types in PDF documents. You can assign these actions to links, bookmarks, pages, media clips, and form fields. |
 | PdfAdvancedImageCompression | Specifies a method to enhance image compression in PDF documents. |
 | PdfAnnotationBorderStyle | Specifies the annotation's border style. |
 | PdfAnnotationFlag | Specifies various characteristics of the annotation. |
 | PdfAnnotationLineEndingStyle | Specifies an annotation's line ending style. |
 | PdfBlendMode | |
 | PdfCheckBoxStyle | Specifies a graphical style of a checkmark in check boxes and radio buttons, when they are checked. |
 | PdfColorSpace | Specifies a color space. |
 | PdfCompression | Specifies the standard scheme to be used to compress image data in PDF documents. |
 | PdfConformance | Specifies PDF versions and conformance levels of a PDF document.
The PDF versions correspond to the PDF major releases, starting from PDF 1.0. In each PDF version the new features have been introduced. The different conformance levels reflect the quality of the archived document and depend on the input material and the documents purpose. PDF/A versions and levels are given one after another.
PDF/A-1 is the first archiving standard based on PDF version 1.4. All resources must be embedded within the PDF/A document itself.
PDF/A-2 is based on PDF 1.7. It allows JPEG2000 compression, transparent elements, PDF layers and more.
PDF/A-3 is available since October 2012. It allows to embed any file format desired.
Level a (accessible) meets all requirements for the standard.
Level b (basic) guaranteed that the content of the document can be unambiguously reproduced.
Level u (unicode) specifies that all text can be mapped to standard Unicode character codes. |
 | PdfConversionConformance | Specifies PDF conformance levels currently supported by the PDF conversion engine.
The different conformance levels reflect the quality of the archived document and depend on the input material and the documents purpose. PDF/A versions and levels are given one after another as well as PDF/UA version.
PDF/A-1 is the first archiving standard based on PDF version 1.4. All resources must be embedded within the PDF/A document itself.
PDF/A-2 is based on PDF 1.7. It allows JPEG2000 compression, transparent elements, PDF layers and more.
PDF/A-3 is available since October 2012. It allows to embed any file format desired.
Level a (accessible) meets all requirements for the standard.
Level b (basic) guaranteed that the content of the document can be unambiguously reproduced.
Level u (unicode) specifies that all text can be mapped to standard Unicode character codes.
PDF/UA-1 is based on ISO 14289-1 specification. |
 | PdfDestinationType | Defines a particular view of a specified page in a PDF document. It is always tied to a given page.
It consists of the location of the document window on that page and of the magnification (zoom) factor to use when displaying that page. |
 | PdfDocumentMergingOptions | Specifies different options when merging PDF documents. |
 | PdfEncryption | Specifies the encryption algorithm. |
 | PdfEncryptionMode | Specifies the security handler mechanism used for PDF document's encryption.
The file's security handler provides a mechanism that not only implements encryption in PDF documents, but also stores all data related to this process. The PDF specification defines two security handlers: Standard Security handler and Public-Key Security handler. Other applications may provide security handlers of their own. |
 | PdfFileAttachmentAnnotIcon | The name of a file attachment icon to be used in displaying the file attachment annotation. |
 | PdfFormFieldType | |
 | PdfFormFieldVisibility | Defines the visibility of the form field, either on screen or in print. |
 | PdfGridSplitOrdering | Specifies cell output ordering for GridSplit. |
 | PdfImageMaskType | Specifies the type of the image masking. |
 | PdfInvoiceDataFormat | Specifies embedded xml invoice data format. |
 | PdfLineCapStyle | Specifies the shape to be used at the ends of open subpaths (and dashes, if any) when they are stroked. |
 | PdfLineJoinStyle | Specifies the shape of joints between connected segments of a stroked path. |
 | PdfMarkupAnnotationType | Specifies various types of the markup annotations. |
 | PdfMeasurementUnit | Specifies measurement units used in the PDF document. |
 | PdfOcgState | A state specifying the visibility, that is assigned to an optional content group (OCG). |
 | PdfOrigin | Specifies the origin's location of the currently used coordinate space. |
 | PdfPageBox | Defines the boundary boxes (page boxes) that relate to the size of the pages in the PDF document. |
 | PdfPageLabelStyle | Specifies the numbering style to be used for the numeric portion of page labels. |
 | PdfPageOrientation | Specifies the orientation of a page within the PDF document. |
 | PdfPageSizes | Specifies PDF page sizes. |
 | PdfPortFolioType | The initial view mode for the PDF Portfolio. It is the way the user can view the component files after opening the PDF Portfolio file. |
 | PDFReducerErrorStatus | |
 | PDFReducerImageQuality | |
 | PDFReducerPDFVersion | |
 | PDFReducerWarningStatus | |
 | PdfRemoveJavaScriptOptions | Defines different objects in the PDF document, which are cleaned from contained JavaScript scripts. |
 | PdfRight | Specifies access permissions to the various operations within the PDF document. |
 | PdfRubberStampAnnotationIcon | Specifies the name of an icon to be used in displaying the rubber stamp annotation. |
 | PdfSignatureCertificationLevel | Specifies the access permissions granted by the signature. |
 | PdfSignatureHash | |
 | PdfSignatureMode | |
 | PdfSignatureType | For the internal use only. |
 | PdfStandardFont | A complete set of 14 standard fonts (Standard Type 1 Fonts) that can be used without prior definition. |
 | PdfStickyNoteAnnotationIcon | Defines the name of an icon to be used in displaying the sticky note annotation. |
 | PdfTabOrderType | Specifies different options for tab key navigation through annotations and interactive forms on a page, so called Tab Order. |
 | PdfTextDecorationStyle | Specifies different decoration options for text drawing operations. |
 | PdfTextMode | Defines the text rendering modes. |
 | PdfTextUnderlineStyle | Specifies different underline styles for text drawing operations. |
 | PdfValidationConformance | Specifies PDF conformance levels currently supported by the PDF validation engine.
The different conformance levels reflect the quality of the archived document and depend on the input material and the documents purpose. PDF/A versions and levels are given one after another.
PDF/A-1 is the first archiving standard based on PDF version 1.4. All resources must be embedded within the PDF/A document itself.
PDF/A-2 is based on PDF 1.7. It allows JPEG2000 compression, transparent elements, PDF layers and more.
PDF/A-3 is available since October 2012. It allows to embed any file format desired.
Level a (accessible) meets all requirements for the standard.
Level b (basic) guaranteed that the content of the document can be unambiguously reproduced.
Level u (unicode) specifies that all text can be mapped to standard Unicode character codes. |
 | PdfViewerLayoutMode | Specifies the page layout to be used when the document is opened. |
 | PdfViewerNonFullScreenPageMode | Defines the document’s page mode, specifying how to display the document on exiting full-screen mode. |
 | PdfViewerPageMode | Specifies how the document should be displayed when opened. |
 | PdfViewerPreference | Specifies the viewer preference settings to control the way the document is presented on the screen in Adobe Reader or Acrobat viewer. |
 | PixelFormat | |
 | PrintAlignment | Specifies the image alignment within the page during a print process. |
 | PrinterColorMode | Specifies whether the output will print in color or in monochrome on a device that supports color. |
 | PrinterOrientation | Specifies whether documents are printed in portrait or landscape mode. |
 | PrintQuality | The quality of the hard copy or printout produced by a printer. |
 | PrintSizeOption | Specifies how the page size must be adjusted depending of the actual paper size when printing. |
 | RAWImageLoadingOptions | Specifies how RAW images must be decoded. |
 | ReferencePoint | Defines the reference point of the page when detecting and removing margins. |
 | RotateFlipType | |
 | SearchDirectionHint | Defines the direction when searching through the thumbnails. |
 | SegmentationMode |
Specifies different modes of the segmentation process.
 | Tags | Document tags (EXIF, IPTC, Extra, Thumbnails, GPS, XML packet), also known as document's metadata, allows for additional information to be stored within a document. |
 | TagType | The type of the tag used within a document. These tags, also known as document's metadata, allows for additional information to be stored within a document. |
 | TextAlignment | Defines how text is aligned. |
 | TextExtractionOptions | Specifies various options for the text search/extraction engine customization. |
 | TextExtractionOutputInfo | Specifies various output information available as output of text extraction engine. |
 | ThumbnailAlignment | Defines an alignment of the thumbnails. |
 | TiffCompression | Specifies the TIFF compression when saving images in TIFF format. |
 | TwainBarCodeRotation | |
 | TwainBarCodeType | |
 | TwainBitDepthReduction | |
 | TwainCapabilities | |
 | TwainCompression | |
 | TwainConditionCode | |
 | TwainCountry | |
 | TwainImageFileFormats | |
 | TwainItemTypes | |
 | TwainLanguage | |
 | TwainNoiseFilterMode | |
 | TwainOrientation | |
 | TwainPageSide | |
 | TwainPaperSize | The paper size, i.e. the type of the paper, used by Twain. |
 | TwainPixelFlavor | |
 | TwainPixelType | |
 | TwainPrinterMode | |
 | TwainResultCode | |
 | TwainStatus | Identifies the states of the currently executed session using TWAIN. |
 | UnitMode | |
 | ViewerDocumentAlignment | Specifies the page alignment within the viewer, when the area of the viewer is smaller than the displayed document. |
 | ViewerDocumentPosition | Specifies the page position within the viewer, when the rendering area of the displayed document is smaller than viewer's area. |
 | ViewerMouseMode | Defines the way how the mouse is used to manipulate with the displayed document. |
 | ViewerMouseWheelMode | Defines the way how the mouse wheel is used to manipulate with the displayed document. |
 | ViewerZoomMode | Specifies the zoom mode used by the viewer to display the document. |
 | WiaImageFormat | Specifies a file format, when acquiring an image to a file using WIA. |
 | WiaImageIntent | Specifies the image intent setting for the WIA device. |
 | WiaPageSize | Specifies WIA page sizes. |
 | WiaSourceType | Defines the WIA source for capture. |
 | WiaStatus | Identifies the status of the currently executed operation using WIA. |